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L'Albergo Ristorante " STERLINA " si trova a metà strada tra Bologna (40 km.) e Firenze (50 km.).
Usciti al casello di Rioveggio, percorrendo la strada per Castiglione dei Pepoli, dopo circa 5 km troviamo nel verde dell'Appennino Tosco Emiliano in località Sterlina di Lagaro, la moderna struttura dell'Albergo Ristorante "STERLINA", con ampio parcheggio e tanto verde intorno.

telefona direttamente allo 0534897141 oppure 333116709
The "Sterlina" is modern, welcoming and comfortable. It has recently been completely renovated and boasts 22 en-suite rooms, each with air -conditioning, minibar, tv and telephone. There is ample, free parking.
The hotel is a perfect base from which to explore the local places of interest or to tour the stunning surrounding countryside.
It is also a great chance for a little peace and quiet alike for visitors and exhibitors to the Bologna Trade fair which is only 30 minutes away. - Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.
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